Wyrmlings, Air Assault Trolls, and More

Ten and Ash take the commandeered githyanki airship for a joyride leaving Ander and crew to pilot the Batship Crazy, navigating by thoughts of APPOTHROMAX. Watc’s arcane analysis of the ship’s engine reveals a knob that can be turnt to some effect. Sqyylarr’s prodigious survival instincts steer the mission away from a couple of perilous encounters. Barika improvises a delightful little APPOTHROMAX sea ditty to encourage Ander’s steerage.

A few dragon wyrmlings appear at the edge of the ship’s astral bubble. Ander steers the ship’s propeller right into a smallish black dragon wyrmling and puts the ship into a swatting barrel roll. Poop deck ballistas under the command of Sqyylarr and Barika open on the poison spitting green dragon wyrmling. Watc immolates a second black dragon wyrmling who boards to bite on Ander and immolates a lightning-breathing blue dragon wyrmling already suffering ballista punctures.

The wyrmling corpses are not yet removed when a double thud announces the arrival of a troll and his ettercap buddy. Fireballs from Watc and Ander end the ettercap before it gets going. Sqyylarr and Barika ensure the troll also perishes where he landed.

An avenging dire troll thuds down on deck moments later and meets Sqyylarr and Barika’s brutality with a whirlwind claw attack before it is immolated by Watc, firewalled by Ander, and axed to death by Barika.

After a short rest, Barika takes a turn at the helm and steers the ship right into another dire troll who lands on the poop deck. Sqyylarr smashes the dire troll from the ladder before Ander vortex warps it onto the side of the ship where it plummets into the astral sea. A follow-up dragon wyrmling is ended with some ballistas and scorching rays. Hopefully that was not APPOTHROMAX.

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