Lif’t Soft Opening

With 1000 gp of unsecured backing, Lif’t Bar & Grill secures cooperation of Lif the Entity, makes necessary repairs, secures the cooperation of local guilds, hires staff, attracts a glyph of warding from former owner Ookoria, and acquires provisions for a successful soft opening. Gross tenday operating expenses come to a manageable 60 gp.

One notable customer is Frewn of Frewn’s Brews who rediscovers the smooth, refreshing flavor of the local everyman brew, Honeyridge Ale. Frewn’s halfling cohort, more interested in casing the joint and covertly signaling an unknown receiver, passes on libations.

Several successful days later, an unknown perp opens an access hole into Lif’t and introduces a rat infestation. Around the same time, Lif, communicating by a Yes/No/IDK coaster, recalls that an unrecognized halfling left with a willing Janky and his lute. Mindful of Frewn’s dour halfling partner, the party convenes for an exploratory breakfast at Frewn’s Brews to possibly learn if their business nemesis is responsible. A pair of suspicious halflings at a nearby table closely observes the party. One suddenly departs. Reade follows. The halfling leads Reade leading Luth leading Smoll leading Togy on a twisty pursuit through dim alleys to a locked sewer grate. A trio of giant wererats ambush Reade. A melee ensues and the wererats surrender back to their broken halfling forms, regrettably not before Reade suffers a worrisome werebite. It’s Roscoe’s Shard Shunners again, perhaps hired by Frewn or his agent. They promise to depart in peace after returning Janky and his looted lute.

As Janky sleeps off his kidnapping, a fireball collides with the front door of Lif’t.

Lif’t Payroll:

JobShiftEmployeeConfidential NotesPregnant
BarDayGavin SornstoneCharismatic, early riser, staying in hostelNo
BarNightVendelli MeliSuper smart, super charismaticEventually
CookDayHildegarde90 yo bounty hunter, hunterNo
CookNightEmma MontagueScar, glass eye, excellent cookNo
CookWeekendLillesse Perlana(1/2 elf)No
WaitstaffEthalos14 yo, Sunnei worshipper, positive attitudeNo
WaitstaffBharneck Redtoe(dwarf)No
WaitstaffVierna Goldenleaf(hafling)No

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