Gore Plug and Golem

From the ancient dwarven throne room most recently occupied by vanquished elemental air prophet Aerisi Kalinoth, the party hears a ruckus. Bromsby and Theren investigate the scale model map. Haerelben finds Kalinoth’s mundane hand mirror which is anything but mundane to Lefty. Meega repairs Theren’s snapped crossbow. The ruckus persists.

The party descends to the entry level of the pyramid temple where a mob of initiates has cornered a halfling known to some as Welby. Kalinoth’s demise has unleashed a starvation revelation within the cult, and Welby is on the menu. Again.

A pair of cult warriors attempt to establish order over the initiates preparing to bisect Welby at his wishbone. Theren drops an initiate with a crossbow bolt. Lefty hands a starving initiate a vial of poison which he gratefully drinks and dies of. Meega and Bromsby join together axe and thornwhip to slay a third initiate. Haerelben makes his way to Welby to find him healthy if a bit tenderized. Haerelben commands the initiates to eat some air instead of Welby.

The cultists are trounced, especially the one Theren explodes with a boosted crossbow shot. A cultist escapes by jumping into the howling air pit and descends to parts unknown. Parts unknown seems worth taking a few moments to explore. Theren combines their ropes into a 200 foot length secured to a nearby column. Welby walks down the side of the shaft like a spider. Lefty ties on the rope and jumps in, featherfalling. Bromsby floats down in a controlled fall by gathering his priestess dress. Theren and Meega follow Brombsy’s example, using cloaks and clothing to modulate speed and direction to fall into the updraft. Meega pipes up some bubbles which begin to fill the temple above. Haerelben waits at the top, peering down and messaging for news from downshaft until the rest of the party floats out of range. 

Lefty dangles at the end of the rope, within view of the bottom where Bromsby, slowing with his cloak, can make out a pile of corpses in the chamber below. Welby hammers pitons into the stone shaft to secure the end of the rope. Lefty shadow steps to the floor, and immediately a gust viciously assaults her and smashes her into the wall. Theren desperately fires a silvered crossbow bolt at the cyclone, but the bolt strikes the floor right through the elemental. Apparently not a werewind. Lefty runs along the wall and jumps back into the shaft, smacking Meega into Bromsby. Meega quaffs a potion of spider walk to steady herself, but the cyclone attacks and throws her into the chamber.


Theren plays the magic flute and enthralls the cyclone, now hovering and awaiting Theren’s command. Unsure whether he has committed himself to a lifetime of flute playing, Theren experimentally commands the cyclone to gather corpses and feed them into the shaft for looting at the top. The cyclone complies.

Lefty has had enough and floats to the top of the shaft. Haerelben inquires as to the fate of the rest of the party. Lefty shrugs and starts a cat nap. Welby lowers a rope from the bottom of the shaft to allow Meega, Theren, and Bromsby a way up out of the chamber. The rope is slackening as though it won’t drop into the chamber.

The corpses fed into the foot of the shaft by the cyclone get churned up by the air turbulence and form a gore plug that chokes the updraft, isolating Meega, Theren, and Bromsby below. The gore plug begins to accelerate up. Bromsby hangs ten on the gore plug and rides it to the top. Haerelben sees the approaching danger and reacts in time to shield himself with his cloak, but Lefty is caught napping and is sprayed with gore, presumably the remains of Meega, Theren, and Bromsby. Lefty and Welby co-vomit.

The dangling rope Welby prepared, now generously coated in slick gore, drops into the chamber. Meega, Theren, and Bromsby make their way into the shaft and float to the top, reuniting the whole party. Some restful time is spent cleaning gore out of wounds in the relative cleanliness of the upstairs throne room.

The party abandons the gore-coated temple to investigate the change in water level of the moat. The water level is some ten feet lower than the edge where it had been. A stone head pokes from the surface of the water and is slowly heading downstream toward the waterfall flowing out a break in the surrounding chasm wall. Theren quickly hatches a plan to tether himself with the gore rope and leap into the rushing moat toward the stone head. The plan goes without a hitch. Theren discovers the head belongs to a stone golem who begins beating him to death. Bromsby thorn whips Theren away from the golem and Meega reels him up the edge of the moat. Lefty stabilizes Theren’s unconscious body.