Party Members

Meega – 1/4 Orc Female Fighter (1/2 orc for game mechanic).  Studying to be a smith under her father, master smith, Wayvoran-Chero.  Among some of the hands and locals she has begun to achieve “folk-hero” status.  Recently on a return trip from Neverwinter she experienced a rogue  earthquake.  The earthquake loosed boulders that crashed down upon a village near the road and without hesitation she sprang to help.  Her strength helped rescue trapped villagers, but it was her purple mohawk that caused her to stick in their minds.  An unknown older dwarf came to her family smithy shop, frustrated with a metal tube that he could not open.  When Meega opened it, she found a metal card with a sigil, and an address, and a date/time.

Blameless – Tiefling Wild Magic Sorcerer.  Scraping  buy, using his considerable Charisma to “hide in plain sight” at the University.  While on his way to score another free meal at the university, he happened upon an older dwarf who was looking for an “out of the box” student assistant to help him in some of his “studies”.  He offered Blameless a real room and actual admission in exchange for working as his “assistant”.  While not positive… Blameless is pretty sure this old dwarf knows everything about that “event that shall not be named”.

Rollen Meliamne – Wood Elf Archer Ranger – Junior officer in the spellguard, sole survivor of unexplained fiery devastation in his village, Unan Caelora.  While training a motley crew of new recruits an older dwarf approached him and questioned him about the destruction of his village, specifically what he had seen.  Given his experience with the “phenomena”, the dwarf handed him a metal card with a sigil, location, and date and time that he the young officer to meet him for a mission.  Rollen was worried about his duties in the spellguard but the old dwarf said he would take care of it.

Argyle Anvilback – Dwarf Cleric of Moradin – He distinguished himself with many acts of selflessness and was recruited into the famed dwarven medic corps of the 501st ANVILBACKS.  He is semi-retired and has turned toward religious studies at the university.  During one of his regular visits to the spell guard infirmary to cheer up the wounded, he spotted an VERY old dwarf, although to non-dwarven eyes their age difference would be unnoticeable.  Short and sweet, the old dwarf handed him a metal card with “Ardak Mroranon (Battleboar)” written upon it and a location, date and time.  With a brief “We have need of your services again” and two droughts from his casque of ever bearing ale, Argyle pledged himself to anything in the service of Moradin.

Barrin – Wood elf monk – An urchin upon the streets of Neverwinter, he understands the hardships of poverty and loneliness.  As he has learned to fend for himself, his heart remained open to helping those around him that were even less fortunate.  He taught himself mastery of the martial arts, but found it lacking some element.  When the current refugee crises began to develop as villages in and around the Dessarin Valley were destroyed, he felt a calling to service in the refugee camps that sprung up around the sheltered lands of Quastarte.  There he came across the Monks of the “open hand” who along with members of the Divine Host (school) were doing what they could on a daily basis to aid the refugees.  He came across an old dwarf sitting on a stump in the middle of a field who was impressed with Barrin’s selflessness.  He gave him a metal card with sigil, location, and date/time and offered him a greater chance to help others in need.

Simon, aka “the duke”, aka “the king”, aka “mutton-head” – Dragon sorcerer (race?) – perceived by most to be the village idiot (and they might not be wrong).  Simon seems to be highly delusional.  He woke up in a box on a stone slab and was freed by Rollen.  He had a note pinned on his chest that said “Rollen, bring him with you”.  Confusing as the situation was, Simon seems to have only the briefest of memory, continuously retaining only the last five minutes of his existence.  When they arrived at the location on Rollen’s metal card (professor emeritus Ardak’s residence) Simon stated that he had died last night, and Ardak corrected him that he had actually died twice while they were drinking together last night.  Ardak seems to know Simon well, but in traditional fashion, Simon has no recollection.

Allana – half-elf Warlock whose Patron is the “Great Old One” – Through her own natural charisma and talent granted her by her patron, she “balances the equation”.  Some may call her a thief, some may call her a fraud, but others call her their hero.  She liberates from those who have too much, and redistributes to those who have too little.  The only member of the party who was not visited by Ardak.  Her patron spoke to her and told her “it was time” and that she should “follow him”.  When she asked “who?” there was a knock at the door and a tiefling stood there (Blameless) saying that Ardak had sent him to bring her along.

Professor Emeritus Ardak Mroranon – Known to some as the founder of the school of technomancy, his many other exploits seem to be lost to time among this generation.  He possesses the spirit of a “meddler” and has recruited this interesting group to help him with a side project of his.  He has asked them to deliver the large box containing a large gray stone, to a friend in Red Larch.

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