Taking Prisoners

Lady Gralhund suffers no further negotiation, manipulation, nor interaction. Lord Gralhund, however, seems eager to get out of the manse for a few hours to escape the inevitable city watch interrogation. He follows the party to the pantry where Urstul foolishly tested Smoll and got mauled unconscious for his trouble.

Clamorously dragging “inebriated” Urstul through the streets and alleys in the wee hours attracts the attention of an overflying griffin patrol who sounds an alarm. Reade silently slips off to run interference. Janky disguises himself as a meandering dandy as a distraction. Smoll, Luth, and Togy drag Urstul into the sewer. Lord Gralhund, assessing his options, takes off into the streets on his own until Reade intercepts him. Taking the precaution of blindfolding Lord Gralhund, Reade brings him indirectly back to Lif’t. Janky encounters a patrol but convinces the officerses that he’s just nearly home from the Leaky Cauldron but would be delighted to accompany them to their station to regale them with his drunken antics if that is how they want to spend their evening. Dandy Janky is remanded to his own custody, loveyouguysmerrychrishmash.

Back at Lif’t, Smoll guards Urstul in the undisclosed basement while Luth sits blindfolded Lord Gralhund in the undisclosed spare attic bedroom. Interrogators Reade and Janky get almost nothing from Urstul; it isn’t his first black site. Lord Gralhund, on the other hand, sings like a canary. The Zhent-on-Zhent violence is the outcome of an ambitious race to acquire the Stone of Golor from Dalakhar. Bossypants Lady Gralhund equipped her recently acquired nimblewright with a necklace of fireballing to assassinate Dalakhar, and Stone-stealing Urstul got in the way. Urstul must have sought shelter at Gralhund Manor but unexpectedly became a prisoner of Lady Gralhund. When a Zhent extraction team was sent through the portal, the Gralhund household fought back. The nimblewright was dispatched with the Stone of Golor to keep it out of Zhent hands, but Lord Gralhund surely does not know where.

Questions for Lord Gralhund:
Describe the Stone of Golor
Assuming Lady Gralhund attempted to utilize the Stone of Golor, why did she fail? What happened?
When was the Zhent portal installed and who installed it? (If Lady Gralhund were powerful enough to do so, she would have disabled it after kidnapping Urstul.)

Question for Urstul:
Why did you flee to Gralhund Manor?
Do you know where you are?

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