Sesh 0 Notes

Icewind has experienced constant winter since 1487. The end of winter in 1489 remains to be seen.

Some local hero guy, a dark elf ranger, busted up a black crystal tower so be on the lookout for black crystals.

Goddess Auril, aka Goddess of Winter’s Wrath, seems to be at the center of the winter problems. Someone is flying around on an aurora-trailing massive roc.

10 am – 2 pm is twilight. A full moon helps as well.

Ten-Towns region has begun making new-moon sacrifices to Auril. Sometimes warmth. Sometimes food. Sometimes animals. Sometimes … humanoids.

Major exports are knucklehead trout and scrimshaw headbones. GDP is down since lakes are frozen up.

Tentrail is a major road south into Spine of the World. Walking is slow. Snowshoes are faster. Dogsleds are faster. Axebeaks are fastest.

Don’t get your parka wet or you’ll die.

Lando rule: maybe you know a guy who knows a guy who can get you out of a jam. Maybe not.

Healing potion: bonus action to drink and roll, full action to max

Crit failure: auto miss, nothing worse

Maiming rules: refer to table of calamitous maiming

Party is in good with a local bartender, Scramsax, proprietor of the Northlook Inn. He is a reformed adventurer himself and has a soft spot for them, but his displayed great sword reminds everyone that there are limits to his indulgence.

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