Mirror, Mirror

West from Uktarl’s ceded area of control, the party sneaks into a room of mortared bones serving as the den for a pair of grells. Smoll gets grappled more than she prefers, but the party otherwise benefits from an uncharacteristic superiority in damage and wipes them out.

Smoll rests up while Janky and Togy locate some modest riches in the unfortunate remains of misadventuring grell meals [4gp, 13sp]. A discarded bone flute in particular piques Janky’s interest but the sounds of a passing skull-seeking  goblin patrol extinguish any spontaneous jam session.

The party, continuing to follow the dungeon’s right wall, traces back to the column forest off the demon hall. The east hallway features opposing oval mirrors which, when traversed, tend to make aggro copies of the party members. Although not especially tough, the doppelgangers have the alarming effect of draining away strength, in Morn’s case to death.

Morn gets revivified and the party makes a fighting retreat away from the mirror hall  to consider options.

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