
Proceeding north from the hall of mirrors, Janky leads the party into a room littered with emptied potion bottles and other evidence of discarded adventuring. Togy and Janky point Smoll to an unmortared brick in the far wall where she retrieves a skein of unicorn braid from behind the brick. Morn identifies the fibrous assembly as a bowstring [+1 unbreakable] which Janky fashions into a refurbished shortbow christened Flossy.

Janky leads the party south into the recently vacated goblin area. A room east features a central pile of 17 dark stone pieces that Friggiedi realizes, in a flash of savant, could be reassembled into a carved statue of three human warriors. Attempts to reassemble the statue through feats of intellect are ironically interrupted by a sneaking brain dog. Smoll and Janky grease it before it can devour any of Friggiedi’s intellect.

Morn and Janky follow a hallway south that wraps back around to a room with a full scale marionette skeleton suspended by rope from the ceiling. Embossment on a nearby cleaved shield suggests the decedent might be Nimraith, adherent of Lathander. The party liberates his 100 year old remains from the undignified suspension and improvises a blanket shroud and shield monument.

Janky confidently proceeds through a door to the south right onto three waiting shortbow arrows from a goblin defense. Smoll bum-rushes the buick of goblins right behind her own flying hand axes and right ahead of the party taking cover behind her. Morn hexblasts a quad of goblins, painting a mural on the wall with their remains. Smoll bashes the bugbear officer with some flossing support by Janky and continues with two follow-up goblins for dessert. Friggiedi breaks out a mace that procs every hit on three goblins slain.

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