Crypt of the Church of the Weeping Mother – Lil’ Drake

Barika and Sqyylarr rifle through the research papers scattered along the coffee tables of the luxurious sitting room just liberated from a pair of war mages. Sqyylarr hands the puzzling documents off to Ander who determines the in-progress research does not amount to much.

Ash probes west into a conservatory with a water feature, a statue, and a selection of greenery photosynthed by a floating radiant sphere. A fey drake emerges from the rustling bushes. Ash and Sqyylarr resist its hypnotic pattern. Lil’ Drake does not avoid Barika’s hypnotic ear scritching and is placated long enough for Ash to clear the conservatory of anything interesting or useful or valuable. Barika points out that Lil’ Drake is the greatest treasure of all. The greatest treasure of all peacefully returns to its habitat.

Ten emits an aura of vitality to restore Ander’s health. When Ash mentions that the conservatory statue of Ulrozax looks exactly like the defeated war mage, Ten is momentarily disappointed at the ease of their victory until he realizes the two war mages also look exactly like each other. Interesting.

The party crosses back through the library into a dining room to the north that features seating for 15 and a roaring fireplace behind the master’s seat at the north end of the table. A cone of fire shoots from the fireplace at Ash, compliments of a lumbering altar flame golem. The golem burns a path of destruction trying to get to Ash who reacts to escape the hot contact. Ranged attacks and social distancing are the tactics of choice for the fire-averse party. Watc and Ander survive fire cones thanks to Ander’s flash of genius. Barika charges in with her ice breath and extinguishes the golem. Most of the dining room continues to smolder.

A short rest in the dining room invites closer examination of the cupboards, but the contents are mundane.

Back in fighting shape, Ander steps through the swinging doors west into the kitchen where recent food preparation is in evidence but not recent cooks. Suspicious Ander waves his screwdriver around menacingly to encourage cooperation. A little fellow, Baker Boi, pops out of hiding and surrenders on behalf of his diligent crew. They are just cooks cooking for the master, whatever his name might be. Nothing to kill here except these tasty bribe muffins [1d4 healing] which Ander accepts. Barika kills a muffin right away.

The party leaves the kitchen staff in peace and returns to the undead mailroom near the entry portal, having explored all known rooms to the west. They stack up on the eastern door with prepared spells and weapons. Barika enters a bathing room and explores the effects of the warm bath on her toes. There is a closed door south, a closed door east, and an open set of stairs down north. Tactician Ten proposes the unsecured north stairs should be the priority. Watc expeditiously wanders north and notes a pair of war mages wargaming at a table while a flesh golem meanders amongst a considerable collection of kegs. Watc fireballs the lot of them. They retaliate with bolts, missiles, and slams. Ander re-retaliates with a second fireball. The mages re-re-retaliate with a counter spell. Ash goads the golem and Sqyylarr finishes it. Firebolting Watc charges a mage. The panicky second mage fireballs the room without first studying spell sculpture and frags his buddy. Several launched items fly at the survivor until Ash’s prey slayer slays the mage prey.

Taco-cat abides.

Baker Boi

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